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Drama Production

Ingraham high school 

drama production

Drama Production students audition for a role in the fall and winter plays as a requirement to enroll in the class.   Ingraham Theatre produces two Little Theater shows every year and the student actors are members of the drama production class. 


Through the chosen repertoire for the semester students explore:


  • Script Analysis

  • Blocking and Staging

  • Character Work

  • Movement

  • Dialect and language skills

  • Historical, artistic and social context of dramatic literary works

  • Production elements of theatre


In addition to acting in the productions, student actors are also involved in various aspects of producing a play and/or running a theatre company.  Many of the student performers are also assistant directors, props managers, promotions and advertising team members, student producers, and hair and make-up designers. 

Auditions for the fall and winter productions happen in the spring of the previous year.  Those interested in being a part of the 2019-2020 Drama Productions as actors will need to audition in June 2019.  Check here for updates or contact Heidi Oveson for more information.


In rehearsal for our 2014 Production of Our Town.

"In my four years at Ingraham, I gained invaluable experience as an actor, ensemble member, assistant director, and producer. Ingraham Drama and Ms. Oveson taught me to be detail oriented, to use creativity, and look for innovative ways to make theatre.  This has been an invaluable foundation in a college setting." 


                              Ruby Daniel class of 2016

                       Theatre Major at Whitman College

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